December 09, 2013

Audrey is done with cycle 5! Each day is one step closer to being done with chemotherapy. Cycle 5 was 3 days long and with our visit Wednesday to check labs and visit the doc, we were at Children's almost everyday last week. Thursday was the long day where we sat in the infusion area while Audrey received the 2 chemo drugs. She really did such a good job considering it was so long. We checked in at 8:30 and didn't leave until 4:30. The infusion rooms leave a LOT to be desired. They aren't private, quiet, or spacious. The nurses do their best with what they have, and fortunately we were lucky enough to have Kristen again, who is a fantastic nurse. The two meds Audrey got don't make her nearly as sick as the med she got last cycle. She still gets her nausea med twice a day but she has been eating pretty well and has only been a little bit cranky. I have included a picture of Audrey riding on the "lily pad" as we were trying to entertain her the last two hours of our day Thursday. One of the nutritionists stopped by to check in towards the end of our day. Audrey's growth has been strong and steady, thank God. She provided us with a couple more tools to keep Audrey's weight gain up. It is definitely a challenge when you consider how few days she actually feels good. Then add the typical toddler behavior towards food and their tendency to get distracted. We have our work cut out for us for sure.

Friday and Saturday were quick days as she only received one med and it is given over an hour. Sunday we returned to get the injection again which helps her bounce back quicker. It definitely worked last time as Audrey's levels were ready for us to start the cycle on time instead of having to delay again. This week we have clinic Wednesday and then Thursday we will be touching base with her cardiologist and repeating her echo. Her 6th cycle is scheduled for the day after Christmas. Though the timing isn't ideal, the sooner we get them done the sooner we can be done and get her darn line out! I will be going back to work after her 6th cycle and Galen will be starting his leave. The fact that we have been able to be with her through this and haven't had to worry about $$ is huge. We have been able to focus the majority of our attention on Audrey and getting her healthy again. Truly, we can never tell you how much this has meant to us. So many families are faced with longer treatments and are forced to return to work while their child is still incredibly sick. We do not take for granted the gifts we have been given.

 Hopefully we won't have much for news after this weeks appointment. Pray for a beautiful echo for Audrey. 

Shannon & Galen