Well, we are officially done with chemotherapy! Though we are beyond excited, we are saving our celebrations for after rescans and line removal. Audrey had her last cycle on Thursday which was a one-day infusion. She was very patient all day until she got over-tired and nauseated at the very end. We made sure to tell her docs/nurses when she needed her second dose of her anti-nausea medicine (as in we told them a couple of times the day prior as well as a couple of times the day of). Somehow we were still late with her second dose so we barely avoided her getting sick. I guess when we said 6 hours they heard 7 1/2. We have been keeping the med going round the clock and she has really been tolerating the cycle better than she has before. Mainly we just cut back on how much food she eats in one sitting and this has helped her keep everything down. Speaking of food, her growth over the past 5 1/2 months has been steady and we are so thankful that we avoided any obstacles there.
Over the next few weeks we have follow-up appointments to check labs, post-chemo echo, CT and PET scans, and line removal. We are trying to push her team to get her scans in sooner as they are later than they need to be and we have to wait for the scans to get the go-ahead for line removal. We are hoping to be able to meet with Dr. Park again (the neuroblastoma specialist), as we have only seen her in clinic once through treatment. It would be great if we could see her after scans to get her perspective and have her layout what the next year should look like for Audrey. It is crazy to think that soon we won't be making our weekly trips to Children's. We have met some amazing people and Audrey has truly stolen the hearts of all those who have spent time with her. The infusion nurses always look forward to seeing her and I'm pretty sure they might fight over who gets to have her for the day. She has been a perfect patient for her dressing changes with the home care team. I know they also look forward to seeing her, especially as they send out a red faced toddler they have just struggled with.
Audrey should be feeling better in about a week. Hopefully her counts don't drop low enough to require transfusions. She has been narrowly avoiding getting red blood cells again and hopefully we can keep avoiding it and her body will be able to bounce back on its own. We will try to update again closer to rescans.
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