September 13, 2013

We can't believe it has already been two and a half weeks since Audrey's initial diagnosis. This week we visited the doctors as well as met with a nutritionist again. Audrey gained weight (woo hoo!) so they were pleased and we continued to talk about good foods for her. We have been really researching the best foods to help Audrey fight this and keep her immune system up. Now we just have to convince her to eat it!

The doctors reviewed the PET scan results with us and fortunately there weren't any new areas of concern. Thank you Lord. They again stated that the current plan will be eight cycles of chemotherapy. Four before surgery and four after. This will likely put us into mid-January. Audrey has been such a joy the last couple weeks. The fact that I have been able to be with her around the clock is something I will always be thankful for. I can't imagine having to schedule her care and appointments around a work schedule as so many people are forced to do. We are incredibly hopeful and optimistic about Audrey's treatment, but are also nervous to get through the next couple of months. This week due to Audrey's levels, we have to be on "fever watch" to make sure that she doesn't have any kind of infection. This means not a lot of visitors and no busy public places. We have been hanging out at home a lot anyways so we don't mind!

Today we went in to get labs again as Audrey's platelets are low. We aren't quite so low that we need a platelet transfusion but we go back Sunday to check again.

Next week Audrey will get her second cycle of chemotherapy medications. From what we understand these are more potent and have scarier side effects than those of the first cycle. Please pray that these medications attack the cancer cells and don't cause these awful side effects in Audrey.

Thank you for continuing to think of our family and for your support.

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